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    Newlyweds home - Ideal Design & Checklist

    • person Shai Cohen
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    Household Items Checklist for Newlyweds.


    And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

    The place to be for all fans of the 'home concept.'


    Today, following a special request from a cute couple about to get married, we will review everything newlyweds need to know, design-wise, concerning their first home together:

    How to design it properly, What things are essential for them to know, and which red flags they simply must not ignore.


    First and foremost, the great importance of the shared physical living space for the couple's sense of well-being, together and separately, is intuitively understandable. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. 

    It goes without saying that Housing problems can affect your mental state unequivocally. If you won't feel protected and comfortable within the four walls of your home, then where will you?!

    And it takes on additional complexity when adding a relationship's unique sensitivities (especially in the beginning). It's like a bubble waiting to explode.

    Therefore, especially in the first years of marriage, you must do everything in your power to ensure your first joint home will make you feel as comfortable and happy as possible.


    "How to do it"? You must be asking.



    'Newlyweds Home - Ideal Design & Checklist.'

    Hop on!




    1. Special Adjustments.


    It goes without saying that the living needs of newlyweds are quite different from those of other couples. Naturally, the challenges characterizing their everyday life differ from those of a family blessed with children.

    What are, then, the specific needs/challenges that characterize newlyweds, residence-wise, and require special adjustments?





    American publisher William Feather once said:

    A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it

    Intuitively, the first thing that comes to mind when the challenges of newlywed housing pop up is the budget issue.

    Naturally, young couples just starting their life together do not have abundant material resources. Therefore, every dollar should count.

    The best tip in this regard for such couples is to focus only on the things that really matter and stick to a pre-prepared budget. You must know exactly how much you can spend and which products are must-haves compared to luxuries and unnecessary ones.

    Here and here, you can read more about how to budget for furniture and decorating costs for a new home.

    Unlike the practical pieces of advice that our sweet blog usually offers on various topics, this one is quite different.

    You will not find a rule of thumb here since this issue is subjective for each couple in different ways. Everyone has different resources and support, so the budget planning phase must be individualized.

    But with that being said, the guiding principle still adheres to basic budget planning principles.

    You are just beginning your life together; don't put yourself in financial holes that will be difficult to get out of later.


    sweet blog
    Manage your budget correctly!


    Here and here, you will find a list of excellent Home Decor stores for decorating on a Budget.


    Maximizing Space.


    Another issue that will probably be challenging for Newlyweds' residences is the issue of space.

    Due to temporary reasons related to budgeting and the absence of many people living with them under the same roof (children, etc.), newlyweds do not need ample living space. Therefore, the first apartments of such couples are usually characterized by being small.

    In light of this insight, one of the essential things newlyweds need to know is how to create more free space within their homes.

    Luckily for you, our Sweet Blog community, we've got this one covered - The 'four tips that will help you create more free space in your home.'

    Jump in and read it.


    Home products. Newlyweds home
    Learn how to maximize your space



    2. Preliminary Research.



    American football player Merlin Olsen once said:

    One of life's most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn't do our homework, that we are not prepared

    Much evidence suggests that the first year of marriage is the hardest (while simultaneously most important).

    Identity crises regarding your personal definition, naggings from family about having children, financial issues, misrepresentation of other couples' "great" lives due to social media fakes, Distance from family members and loved ones, and more.

    Therefore, considering these challenges, the need for preliminary and fundamental research - which will prevent at least some of the expected triggers - arises.

    You must; there is no other word to say it. You simply must do your homework thoroughly before arriving at your new home as newlyweds.

    First, read our article about choosing the best residential neighborhood, which will be tailored to your needs.

    Second, sit down with people who know you well - family members and loved ones, and try to map out your specific residential needs and how exactly you can provide them with an adequate response.

    Once you have prioritized and listed your must-have, neighborhood, and home-wise, you'll be able to check whether your intended apartment meets these requirements.


    Home products. Newlyweds home
    Do your homework!


    The last thing you want is to arrive after your wedding at a place of residence with a million problems (internal and environmental) that could easily be avoided with a simple preliminary inspection. It will only weigh on your first year of marriage (which is already challenging).




    3. Sweet Love Nest.


    Naturally, after a few years of marriage, romance takes a slightly lower place in terms of priorities, and issues such as managing a proper household and raising children are the ones that set the tone.

    As years go by, you probably won't have time for a home in the form of a sweet lover's nest, excluding the first few years of your life together as newlyweds.

    'But wait a minute, what is a house in the format of a 'sweet lover nest' anyway?'

    Well, such a house design allows an improved sense of intimacy and connection. One that contains built-in actual visual design aspects for ideas of closeness, happiness, and shared dreams that will strengthen your relationship and deepen your sense of romance/bonding.

    Beautiful wallpapers, dim room lighting, moving pictures, romantic candles, incense, cute love notes with empowering quotes subtly scattered in surprising places, etc.

    There are many examples, but the guiding principle is the same - a 'homely love nest' is a small and cute home space designed to create an atmosphere of intimacy and closeness for the couple inhabiting it according to their personal preferences.

    Here, you can find more practical information on the subject. Design-wise.



    HOME PRODUCTS. Newlyweds home
    Design and decorate a love nest in your first home!



    As mentioned above, eventually, as years go by, Children and a mortgage will take over and the most significant romantic decoration in your home will be a painting of a faded rose on a used/dirty changing table.

    Remember! You will not get a second chance to do this later.

    Your first home as newlyweds is your only chance - take advantage of it!


    To sum it up, embed a romantic atmosphere into the DNA of your home design - it will do wonders!




    4. Close (but not too close).



    You've probably heard the following quote before:


    Adam and Eve were the happiest couple in the world because neither had a mother-in-law.


    Living next to your nuclear family right after marriage - It can make you or break you!

    Although many studies show the importance of family support and closeness for your sense of well-being, too much family involvement in your marital relationship as newlyweds is a recipe for disaster.

    It's something to consider when deciding where to live.

    Although you may be tempted, due to a desire for material/emotional support, to live next to your parents, etc., do not be surprised if this leads to unnecessary interference in your day-to-day life (and not necessarily due to evil intentions; on the contrary - due to their good intentions), something that will undoubtedly lead to relationship crises.



    Home productsClose - but not too close!


    It would be best to find the proper balance/dosage - close enough for emotional and material assistance, simultaneously with a distance that preserves independence.

    Easier said than done. You got that right. But we trust you to make the wisest decisions for the sake of your newly married stability.


    infographic for Newlyweds home - Ideal Design & Checklist



    We hope this article - 'Newlyweds home - Ideal Design and Checklist' - helped you to some extent. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.


    If you've made it this far, don't forget to jump into our collections page.

    What are you waiting for?!



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