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The Four Tips For The Ideal Teenager's Room Design

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Designing A Teenager’s Room - Everything You Need To Know!


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the home concept


Our topic for today will significantly help those of you raising teenagers who are concerned about how to decorate their rooms.

There is not enough (virtual?) ink to write down all the difficulties and challenges that come with home interactions with teenagers.

We understand that it can be a tough journey, and some would even say a teenager should come with a survival kit (For you, not for them...).

Teenagers, in their journey of self-discovery, can sometimes exhibit challenging behaviors. They may seem distant, moody, or unappreciative, often without understanding why they feel this way.

While we may not be a parenting blog, we're here to offer practical advice on room design that can make a real difference. We hope this will help you navigate the challenges of raising a teenager.

So, without further ado, what are the critical aspects of any teenager's room design?


'Tips For The Ideal Teenager's Room Design - Design Tips For A Teenager's Bedroom.'

Hop on!




1. Space.


American musician Billy Corgan once said:

"If I had spent fourteen months in a small room with Jesus, I'd want to fist-fight with him."


The term "space" is quite ambivalent in our context. On the one hand, it symbolizes physical space (lack of density). On the other hand, it refers to 'Space' as privacy ("Stop meddling in my affairs, give me some space!").

When designing a teenager's room - you must consider both.

Privacy is not just a luxury, but a necessity for any teenager. It's a crucial element for their personal development. They are at a stage where they are discovering themselves and often prefer to do so without constant interference. 

There are also awkward issues (from their point of view) of confidence and self-esteem/image that only increase their need for a meaningful sense of privacy.

So, when it comes to privacy, do, design-wise, as much as possible so that your teenager will 'feel' his privacy is nothing less than sacred.

It can be reflected in soundproof walls and other audio privacy measures/an entrance door that is more than poor plywood, etc.

Regardless of the specific design choices, the overarching principle remains the same - the room should be designed in a way that respects and enhances their sense of privacy.

This is a key aspect to keep in mind throughout the design process.


teenager's room design
Privacy is a top value for teenagers


As for physical space, first of all, it's highly recommended to read the article from our sweet blog - 'The four tips that will help you create more free space in your home' - and apply its principles within your teenager's room.

Storage solutions are also an excellent tool for creating additional space in your teenager's room. Apart from the practical gain of a newly created space, teenagers tend to have a lot of "Stuff," for which storage space is required.

Here, you can find 22 Unique Storage Ideas for your teenager's room by 'Pottery Barn.'


Sweet blog.
Maximize space as much as possible!


Effective storage solutions not only create more physical space but also contribute to their sense of privacy, as discussed earlier. They provide a sense of order and control over their personal space.


On to the next one on our 'Teenager's Room Design' tip list.



2. Reflect Their Personality.


British designer Vivienne Westwood once said:

"I design things to help people to hopefully express their personality."


Our second tip is to involve your teenager in the design process, ensuring their unique personality is reflected in their room.

Design-wise, there are two ways to do so - a comprehensive or a more specific method.

Or, in other words - an overall design theme or specific adjustments.

Suppose your teenager is a die-hard fan of Marvel superheroes. A design room theme that includes wall color, bedding, wallpaper, accessories, etc., in the shape of - Spiderman/Captain America/Ironman/Thor - you name them - would be a great idea.

And if his character/personality is naturally drawn to things like oceans and Nature, then try to reflect this, design-wise, in his room's walls and other accessories.

If the Los Angeles Lakers are the ones he admires, then...well, you got our point.

Here and here, you can get some inspiration regarding creating a design theme for your teenager's room, and here is an excellent article by Martha Stewart about the practicalities of embedding personality in your home design.

Home products. teenager's room design
Reflect their personality within their room!


As mentioned above, special adjustments are also an excellent set of tools for helping you embed/reflect your teenager's personality, design-wise, in his room. These could include custom artwork, unique furniture pieces, or personalized decor items. 

Unlike the 'Theme' in question, which is characterized by a comprehensive concept (the entire! room is designed in the image of Spiderman), the 'Special Adjustments technique' reflects things in a more specific/diverse way. It's important to find a balance between these two approaches, incorporating a theme while also adding special adjustments to personalize the space.

For a Lakers fan who also loves Marvel, you need to combine the two in the correct dose. Something like Kobe Bryant holding Captain America's shield...

We encourage you to unleash your creativity in this process.


On to the next one on our 'Teenager's Room Design' tip list.



3. Talk It Out.


The late Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple once said:

"The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home."


This quote is undoubtedly relevant to topics such as the one we are currently dealing with - the teenager's room design process. After all, this is the house's most important place as far as he's concerned.

Sit down with him and talk straightforwardly. Be honest and inclusive, and give him room to express his opinion concerning how he wants his room to look and feel.

It goes without saying that you don't have to obey his every whim - and even if he badly wants to decorate his room in the image of Joseph Stalin, make it clear it won't happen - and sometimes, if this is the case, you must find the right balance between his desire to create a flashy distinction from the rest of the house design-wise, and your desire to maintain design uniformity.

With all due respect to his wishes and the importance of dialogue/cooperation - his room will not become an ex-territory, meaning it will not be a completely independent space where he can do whatever he wants without any consideration for the rest of the house.

But with that being said, you'll be surprised to hear how much teenagers appreciate being spoken to honestly and respectfully. It gives them a sense of respect for their individual place as adults.

You can read more here about the five secrets for communicating with your Teenagers, which include active listening, setting clear boundaries, and respecting their individuality.


Teenager's room design
Talk it out!


By involving your teenager in the design process, you're not just ensuring their satisfaction with the final result, but also strengthening your home bonding. Their role is crucial, and their input is valuable.


On to the next one on our 'Teenager's Room Design' tip list.



4. Secret Tricks.


'It's all about the secret tricks,' an ancient Chinese scholar once said.

Okay, okay, no Chinese scholar ever said such a thing. We just made it up. But still, in this paragraph, we will share some small tricks to help you with your teenager's room design.


Reading (learning) Support Environment


Due to their natural curiosity, children love to look outside the window (some would even suggest this is an action with a distinct educational benefit).

It's a smart move to take advantage of this situation and incorporate, design-wise, some form of built-in seating near the window. This will create a natural spot for your teenager to sit and read or observe, fostering their learning and curiosity.

Take a look at this picture below for visual illustration.


Home products. teenager's room design
Encourage them to read!



On to the next one on our 'Teenager's Room Design' tip list.



Design Flexibility.


It's a well-known fact that teenagers are no strangers to mood swings. These frequent mood shifts often accompany changes in their preferences.

Today, they like this wallpaper, and tomorrow, they don't. They were excited about their new desk two hours ago, and now they can't stand it.

Suppose you're looking to avoid spending a fortune on room decorations that might not last. In that case, the 'Flexible design model' is your best bet.

In a nutshell, this model suggests not investing too many resources in luxurious and expensive designs and furniture but focusing on perishable - while on the other hand - efficient 'things' that will serve well. For instance, instead of a costly designer chair, consider a comfortable and affordable bean bag. Rather than an expensive rug, opt for a washable and durable one. These are the kind of items that are both functional and adaptable to changing tastes.

Remember, your teenager's tastes can change in an instant, and it's not always feasible to keep up. So, instead of investing in something they might reject tomorrow, consider a more flexible approach. This way, you can create a space that reflects their current interests without breaking the bank, and if your name doesn't happen to be Elon Musk, you won't make it financially.


Home products. teenager's room design
Mom!! Throw this ($1000) bed out of my room now!!!


By the way, Although it may sound a little cliché, an excellent place for the flexible model is IKEA.


We hope this article - 'Tips For The Ideal Teenager's Room Design-Design Tips For A Teenager's Bedroom'  - has helped you to some extent in designing your teenager's room. If you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.

And remember, the most important thing is to take a deep breath!

We understand that parenting teenagers can be very challenging. But Remember, it's only a temporary period. Although you're probably feeling discouraged right now, it's important to stay patient and hopeful - this too shall pass.

While parenting is not our main topic, still, as always, we've got your back, our beloved Sweet Blog community, and here is an excellent blog on parenting teenagers. 

Due to the behavior of your annoying teenagers, you are already on the verge of a nervous breakdown. So, what do you have to lose...?

Check it out.

infographic for teenager's room design


And if you've made it this far, don't forget to jump into our collections page.

What are you waiting for?!



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