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The Missing Hour In Your Home Morning Routine

  • person Shai Cohen
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The missing hour in your home morning routine.


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place for all fans of the home 'Home concept.'


Welcome to a journey that will transform your mornings and elevate your productivity - the exploration of the morning routine, a delightful and indispensable part of every home.

Our goal is clear: to inspire and guide you in this transformation, helping you make the most of your mornings and your home.

Imagine your morning routine not as a series of tasks, but as a transformative journey to personal growth and productivity. It unfolds within the comforting walls of your home in the early morning hours, setting the tone for the rest of the day and, ultimately, your life. This transformation is within your reach, and we're here to guide you through it.

So, let's embark on a journey to transform your morning routine into a perfect start to your day. It's a journey that only takes one hour, a simple commitment that can have a profound impact on your day. Are you ready to make a positive change?

Pat yourself on the back - you've stumbled upon the ultimate guide to crafting the perfect morning routine for your home. In this guide, you'll find comprehensive tips, strategies, and real-life examples to help you design a morning routine that works best for you.


'The Missing Hour In Your Home Morning Routine - Best Morning Routine Ideas Of Highly Productive People.'

Hop on.


1. Get Up Early.


British rhetorician Richard Whately once said:


"Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be hunting for it all day."

First and foremost, even before reviewing the actions required to create the best morning routine, you must allow a broad and actual framework/spectrum within which your actions will take place, or in other words, More Time.

By waking up early, you seize control of your day, empowering yourself with enough time to take the actions necessary to optimize your home morning routine.

Also, By planning to wake up early, you can eliminate the stress of rushing out the door. You'll have ample time to start your day right, feeling calm and collected. 

Moreover, apart from the positive morning habits we'll discuss later, significant health benefits await you when you start waking up early. This should inspire you to make the change. 

Win-Win situation.


Home prodctsWin the morning!


Please do yourself a huge favor and watch this excellent video concerning the very nature of getting up early and why it's difficult for many of us.

When struggling to wake up early, you go from being reactive to proactive. You do not allow your day to lead you. On the contrary, you are the one who takes the reins and rules your day.

It's the first step to becoming free individuals who are not driven by the necessity of reality but rather change it to create an ideal environment for their personal growth.

It's quite easy to understand the massive difference between someone who wakes up an hour and a half prior to the time he is supposed to leave his house and one who wakes up only fifteen minutes before.

The first will engage in productive and fulfilling activities, such as exercise, meditation, or reading, executing tasks thoroughly and calmly, while the other will be under unprecedented pressure, and his ability to perform will be reflected accordingly.

You don't have to be rocket science to figure that out.

As always, here in our sweet blog, we're not just talking about abstract theories. We also do our best to bring 'real' examples. For instance, we share the experiences of successful individuals who have mastered the art of waking up early. Please read this excellent guide for the best tips on waking up early.

So, now that we have established the importance of early morning awakening and understood it's the initial step towards the best morning routine - it's time to discuss the practical tips that will make your mornings productive and full of positive content - something that will have a tremendous and immediate impact on the rest of your day.

As the well-known saying goes - "win the morning, win the day." 


The above was the first step towards the best morning routine in your home.

On to the next one.


2. Soul First (Fine-Tuning).

10 Minutes.


Now that you've woken up early and have some extra time, let's start by filling those precious minutes with simple, yet effective, activities. These are not complex tasks, but simple practices that can easily fit into your morning routine, making it a comfortable and achievable goal.

Tip number one is called "Soul First."

A widespread perception is that we, as human beings, are not made up of just skin/tissues and bones - we have a living consciousness. And it doesn't matter how you want to call/characterize it (cognition/brain chemical interaction/soul/you name it) - We all feel it.

It would not even be far-fetched to claim that our consciousness is quite similar to our personality and its main components since, at the end of the day, what we feel/think/crave - (generally speaking) is who we are.

Therefore, it's crucial to recognize that the needs of this entity - let's call it a Soul for the sake of argument - should be given specific care and attention within your morning routine.

This is not just a luxury but a necessity for your overall well-being. It's not something you can skip or postpone, but a vital part of your daily routine.

Before we dive into the practical steps, let's understand the concept of 'fine-tuning' . It's like getting your mind and body in sync, ensuring they are in harmony before you start your day. Just like tuning a musical instrument before a performance, 'fine-tuning' in the context of your morning routine means preparing your mind and body for the day ahead.

Ensure you reach the fine-tuning for body-soul balance before taking the necessary steps - which we will expand on later - to optimize it.

'How to do that?' You must be asking. 

Well, the first step is recognizing that such a need (Reaching the 'Fine-tuning' stage) indeed exists. This recognition is the first step towards taking control of your mental well-being. Then, you can start by incorporating activities that promote mental well-being into your morning routine, such as mindfulness exercises or reading a positive affirmation.

Treating your mental needs properly at the beginning of each morning is paramount.


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Based on the proven scientific benefits of its use, our first tip is 'Gratitude.'

Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for the good things in your life. It's not just a nice sentiment, but a powerful tool for improving your mental well-being.

Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, try to be grateful for at least one thing. It could be your/your children's health/your job/the food on your table/friends and family/hobby that makes you feel good about yourself, And the list goes on (hopefully).

To incorporate this into your routine, you can start a gratitude journal or simply take a few moments to reflect on what you're grateful for each morning.

Gratitude should not be about dramatic or unusual things but rather the simple things we tend not to appreciate until something terrible happens.

Develop a morning habit of gratitude. It will help you focus on the positive things in your life, setting a positive tone for your day's 'fine-tuning. '

Right after Gratitude, it's time for the well-known and powerful tool - Breathing.

You should start with five minutes of breathing.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Inhale And Exhale

With every breath you take, try to bring some positive energies and a happy thought into your system, and vice versa, expel the negativity that may fill your soul with every exhalation.

Focus only on your breaths since, with their help, you can be here and now, at this moment alone - Not yesterday and not tomorrow - at this moment alone - Since he is the only one that exists, any other thought is nothing more than far-fetched imagination.


Home productsTake a deep breath


As mentioned, breathing is the ultimate tool in helping you focus on the present moment.

Obviously, some will link it to meditation. That's perfectly fine. In any case, this tool's capabilities can undoubtedly contribute to your efforts to establish the best home morning routine.

Remember that meditation will be much more effective if it's done after physically getting out of bed and executing basic morning hygiene needs (Facial wash/teeth brushing/toilets). This way, it can be done properly without fear of falling asleep again due to its extensive relaxing nature.

There is no need (actually not recommended) to think about something specific while meditating. On the contrary, the point is to reach a state of relaxation and focus on the inhaling/exhaling mechanism alone.

Suppose troubling thoughts do "pop up" occasionally. In that case, the secret is to embrace them without judgment/anger at yourself for feeling/thinking that way.

Imagine it as sitting peacefully on a bench in a cute green park while looking at the clouds.

Do you hold a criticism/opinion concerning the cloud movement?! Of course not! That's precisely how you should treat the disturbing thoughts that bother you while breathing - with understanding and a smile, since exactly as the clouds "just move," so your thoughts and feelings - which are based on automatic behavior patterns that originate from your life's events - "just move."

Just as you have no "personal" interest concerning those clouds, the same goes for your chattering mind while meditating.

Relax and try to dwell in the present moment.

By doing so, you will reach the Abovementioned 'fine-tuning.'

By the way, nowadays, it's pretty well-known that proper breathing brings better health. And who among us doesn't want that? Embracing these simple yet powerful activities in your morning routine can lead to improved mental and physical health, serving as a strong motivation to adopt these practices


On to the next one on our 'Best Morning Routine' tip list.



3. Body.


40 Minutes.


British statesman Edward Stanley once said:


"Those who think they don't have time for physical exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."


Now, after we've created a time frame and taken care of the fine-tuning process, which involves setting specific goals and adjusting your routine to meet them, it's time to discuss the machine that drives us all - our body.

The first way to do so is by doing a short morning exercise.

Countless benefits come as a result of morning exercise. Furthermore, besides all those benefits, it's a significant component of the home morning routine we are trying to introduce you to.

Don't worry; we're not asking you to become a professional athlete. Just a simple fifteen-minute physical activity at home is all it takes to kickstart your day and take control of your health.

Here, you can find a list of simple exercises you can perform at home.

Trust us - By doing so, your body and mind will be grateful.

While you are sweating following your physical activity, the next step is a good shower. Some argue that a cold shower is better as it can invigorate you and boost your immune system.

There are significant benefits to taking a shower first thing in the morning - That is precisely what you will do after you are done breathing and exercising. 

A morning shower, especially if it's a bit on the cooler side, can be incredibly refreshing. The flowing water over your body can give you a sense of cleanliness and renewal, waking you up and preparing you for the day ahead.


Home productsYour body is your most important investment


You are more than welcome to read the article from our sweet blog about how to easily create an adapted home gym in your home. For instance, you could start with a yoga mat, a set of dumbbells, and a resistance band. These basic items can be used for various exercises, from strength training to flexibility work.

After exercising and showering, it's time for a light breakfast.

While there's ample evidence of the health benefits of a breakfast, we'd like to emphasize the value of a light one. It's a choice that fuels you without weighing you down.

One that will provide you with the energy you need until your next meal, but on the other hand, will not burden your stomach.

By the way, you might be surprised to hear that skipping breakfast occasionally won't dramatically affect your health. Our advice is flexible and adaptable to your lifestyle.

Contrary to popular belief, the idea of 'breakfast being 'the most important meal of the day' is not a scientific fact but rather a marketing slogan (a good one!). However, it's important to note that regularly skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day, which may not be ideal for those trying to maintain a healthy weight.

Don't believe us?

Well, thank God for the Guardian.

Here, you can find 31 healthy and fast breakfast recipes for busy mornings. If you also want to add some 'homey' touch to your family meals, such as involving your family in meal preparation or sitting down together to eat, this can strengthen your family bonding.

Another tip to help you meet your breakfast schedule is to prepare the food ingredients the night before.

By the way. If you plan on making some fluffy caramel apple pancakes for breakfast, please! Count us in!


On to the next one on our 'Best Morning Routine' tip list.



4. Plan Your Day (In Writing).


7 Minutes.

Suppose you want to carry out your daily tasks carefully and efficiently without the burden of remembering every specific task. In that case, you must plan in advance.

It's not just about planning ahead; it's about doing it in writing. This is a crucial step that should not be overlooked.

Writing down your plans brings a sense of order and clarity. It's like organizing your thoughts on paper, making the planning process more manageable.


Home productsWrite things down and clarify your thoughts


Do yourself a favor, sit back with your cup of coffee, and write down your expectations for the day.

It will significantly assist you with clarifying your thoughts and distinguishing between the essential and the bland - a task that so many fail at and lose valuable time.

By doing so, you will undoubtedly be able to establish the best morning routine within your home. This sense of accomplishment will fuel your motivation for the day ahead, setting a positive tone for the rest of your day.


On to the next one on our 'Best Morning Routine' tip list.



5. Smile A Bit.


3 minutes.

Leonardo da Vinci once said:


"I like those who can smile in trouble."


Although we are sure you are already well aware of the benefits of smiling, it should still be an active and permanent part of the morning routine we are trying to introduce you to.

It's a simple addition to your daily routine. We suggest you dedicate the last three minutes of your daily preparation to smiling and laughing. It's a small, manageable change that can make a big difference.

Studies clearly show the positive effect of even 'forced laughter, 'which is a deliberate and conscious act of laughing, on your mood. This means that even if you're not feeling particularly happy, the act of laughing can still have a positive impact on your mood.

In simple words - the more you try to smile/laugh proactively, the better your mood will indeed improve. It's still perfectly fine, even if you feel it's coming from an artificial place. Remember, even 'forced laughter' has a positive effect on your mood.

It's based on empirical theories of positive psychology and more.


Home productsStart your day with a smile!


Do not get us wrong. We have no intention of telling you to smile for no reason (although there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary).

Our sole purpose is to recommend a quick action that will put a tiny smile on your face. It can be a short standup session, a silly video of one of your loved ones, or even a funny meme you find online. These are simple, practical ways to incorporate laughter into your morning routine.

The guiding principle is to create a spectrum of 3 minutes that will make you proactively put a smile on your face.

You will be surprised to hear about the enormous importance of this smile for a more positive start to your day, Something that will undoubtedly help you create the best morning routine.

But even putting aside all the scientific mumbo jumbo, etc., intuitively - think about it for a second - leaving your house with a smile - doesn't it sound fantastic?

Now, to conclude, plus a final and important note:

In the end, this entire article amounts to only one hour.

One hour has the power to grant you better mornings, followed by better days, and thus, in the end - a better and more meaningful life. Keep this in mind as you embark on this journey.

However, you must know that your number one enemy when implementing new behavior patterns is Mrs. Laziness.

Discipline is your ally in this journey. Equip yourself with steel discipline to help you apply the above principles. Because even if we write these tips a million times, and even if you tattoo them on your forehead (just kidding - For God's sake - Don't) - in the absence of solid discipline on your part - they are not worth the (virtual) ink used to write them.

Therefore, you must do as much as possible to train yourself in solid self-discipline so that you can consistently enjoy this important morning hour. Remember, discipline is the key to unlocking the potential of these practices.

Remember that difficulties are an integral - and natural part of the game.

Keep them from breaking you; be consistent. And if you fall - Get up!

The wonderful home morning routine presented above is only one way of advancing positively. There are many more.


Infographic for The Missing Hour In Your Home Morning Routine


We believe this article - ''The Missing Hour In Your Home Morning Routine -Best Morning Routine Ideas Of Highly Productive People'' - Will be a valuable resource for you in your quest to establish a more efficient morning routine at home.

But if you still have any questions or comments, write them below in the comments section, and we will respond. You can also contact us, and we will respond as quickly as possible.


By the way, as always, feel free to jump into our collections page, where you'll find a treasure trove of tips and tricks for a better morning routine.

What are you waiting for?



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