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A Home That Supports Family Bonding

  • person Shai Cohen
Home as a center for family activities


A Home That Supports Family Bonding.



And here we are again at the sweet blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'Home concept.'


Today, we're delving into a topic that's particularly relevant to many of you, especially if you're a parent:

How can you, as a parent, make your home a center for a unifying and beneficial family activity? Your role is crucial in this endeavor.

This topic has gained even more significance in the wake of COVID-19, which has seen most of us spending extended periods in our homes and family spaces.

But even regardless of COVID-19, the shared goal of transforming our homes into spaces that promote family bonding is a universal aspiration. It not only curbs the need for external entertainment but also brings a host of social benefits. Therefore, creating such a home is essential for a variety of reasons.

As always, later in the article,  a refreshing infographic presentation and a video summarizing its content will be presented to you.


'A Home That Supports Family Bonding - Staying-At-Home: Ways To Improve Family Bonding.'

Hop on.





1. Invest In Your Living Room (And Make It Relevant).



The British designer Terence Conran once said:


"The living room should be a place where we feel totally at ease - temple of the soul."


Our first tip is to honor the living room's original purpose as a central meeting and gathering space for the entire family. This underscores the significance of this room and encourages you to make it a priority in your home.


The original meaning of the - "Living room concept" - is a room intended to be used for ordinary social purposes.

Understanding this rationale makes it easier to grasp the room's purpose - a place for family members to gather and conduct close social activities.

It becomes even more significant in light of the 'cold' distance between family members in the modern era. The living room, as a space for close social activities, can play a crucial role in bridging this gap and fostering family unity.

A cold distance originates due to technological progress that radically characterizes our times. One that causes most family members to get "stuck" and isolated within their rooms, endlessly looking at their phone screens with bleary eyes. Thus, the frequency of family gatherings decreases in quality and quantity. Read this interesting article on the subject in the Guardian.

Therefore, the first step in restoring your living room to its original purpose and fostering family bonding will be to establish a regular family gathering time in your living room. This practical step can significantly increase the quality and quantity of family interactions.

It is also highly recommended that you turn your living room - design-wise - into an attractive and comfortable place to "attract" family members to spend more time in it.

It can be easily done in various ways; some will involve purchasing 'inviting' accessories/furniture (Those your guests will find attractive), and some will require a (particular) redesign.

The guiding principle is to make your living room cozy and homely. By doing so, you will notice a significant change in the atmosphere, with more frequent family gatherings within your living room. This is a testament to the power of your efforts in making your home more family-friendly.

Gather happily in your living room



You can also read more hereabout ways to easily upgrade your living room.



2. Tools For Family Bonding.


Another great tip to help you make your home one that supports family bonding is a shared, entertaining family activity.

Social games, karaoke nights, Shared cooking activities, family meals for no particular reason, tea meetings, and more.

These are compelling and vital tools that will help your family bond.

Please read this article for further expansion on the subject.

Increasing family bonding within your home walls will, directly and indirectly, make your home much more pleasant to live in. Thus, despite the temptations regarding going out, you will create an excellent home-based alternative.

Like everything else, it's a matter of supply and demand. If your product (for that matter, the social activity you will conduct within your home) is interesting and exciting enough, there will be a demand (an excited family that cooperates).


Family bonding is vital


The guiding principle is this: You must make your family members prefer in-house social activities over those they may find outside. Doing so can turn your home into a center for pleasant family activities.




3. Talk It Out.


An ancient Chinese scholar once said:

'"Talk, and you shall be redeemed."


If, by any chance, you are looking at this line with a slightly confused look, it's because you are right - no Chinese scholar said such a thing. We just made it up. But the guiding principle is still valid - good talk helps with almost everything!

One of the main reasons some family members feel a greater desire to participate in social activities outside their homes is the potential discomfort they may feel while staying at home.

This is especially true for teens and children, who, due to a lack of communication, will not tell their parents or other family members about the reasons keeping them away. As a direct and natural result, the home's status as a social activity/bonding center will be harmed.

Since this article aims to understand how to establish a home that supports family bonding, We will offer our two cents on the matter:

First, the best way to deal with this sort of challenge is with the help of good communication skills.

Talk it out! and try to understand the reasons that keep them away from your supportive family environment.

Significant evidence shows the correlation between good communication between family members and a healthy and positive family life.

Suppose you suddenly feel that one of your family members is being a bit distant. Try talking to him about it. You will be amazed to hear how a simple conversation can solve complex issues.

By doing so, you will achieve several important goals at once. One (and most important) is helping your close family member with an unpleasant challenge that he apparently experienced; the second is the one that is more relevant to our articles - making your home a center for social and family bonding.

Another essential point to realize in this context is identifying such "Distancing states" at the right time. And not long after they have occurred when the damage has already been done,

Remember, early detection and action are key to maintaining a strong family bond.

By staying attentive and communicating openly, you can identify and address 'distancing states' before they escalate. This proactive approach, empowered by open communication, can help you create a home that fosters enjoyable family activities.


Home as a center for family activitiesSpeak, as a family unit



More great tips for that "early detection" can be found here.



4. Put Some Fun In It.


We are pretty sure you are already aware of the following insight, so we'll just remind you:

Sherd 'family-Fun' is one of the best ways to increase family bonding and can significantly assist you in establishing a home environment that supports family bonding.

Although the means mentioned above (board games and so on) are also known for their ability to be 'fun,' In this paragraph, we refer to something slightly different than this type of 'fun.' - one who is involved with a loud laugh and a huge smile.

Real family fun includes aspects similar to those of going out to a restaurant, club, or pub.

Imagine it as a family night out at a good restaurant. Try to proactively feel the sensations, experiences, and sounds. And then - Drums!! - change the 'Destination' a bit and implement those sensations within your home.

There are many examples of such home activities:

A house party, friends' evenings, poker evenings (for the adults among you), joint viewing (including special drinks and food) at an important TV event such as sports games or concerts, drinking (moderate drinking - don't get carried away) alcohol with friends and family, and having some fun.


Celebrate inside


There are multiple examples, but the guiding principle is to take the "Fun" activity you usually do outside and create an in-house replication.

By doing so, your efforts to establish a home environment that supports family bonding will progress significantly. 


Infographic for A Home That Supports Family Bonding


We hope this article - 'A Home that Supports Family Bonding' - has helped you handle this issue properly. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.


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