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Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home

  • person Shai Cohen
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Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home.



And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'home concept.'

Today, we embark on a journey that intrigues most of us: Home refreshment and renewal. But here's the twist : We'll unveil the secrets to achieving it in just a few simple steps, guiding you every step of the way.

Before we delve into our discussion, let's first understand what 'freshness' means in the context of our homes. This understanding will guide us in our quest for home refreshment and renewal.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of 'Freshness' is:

'the quality of being in a new, natural condition and not old or preserved by processes such as freezing.'

Intuitively, when thinking of renewal and freshness, we usually imagine a stunning Senecio vernalis blooming with colorful butterflies flying overhead or a beautiful green field on a pleasant sunny day.

Renewal, a process that can significantly enhance our living spaces, is also closely tied to fragrance. Imagine a scent that makes us all smile slightly and inhale a pleasant and exciting smell.

'Okay, we got the renewal thing,' you're probably saying.

'But how on earth does this have anything to do with our house?'

While a home refresh might sound similar to a traditional home repair to some, it's important to note that they're not the same thing.

While home repair operations mainly involve fixing and improving a house's functional/physical surface, the refreshing process involves something slightly different.

His main concern is- 'Feelings/Sensations — Feelings of something new and exciting. Something you have yet to encounter before. And, more importantly — something that will spice up this above-mentioned feeling of excitement with development and growth.

You can give your home this refreshing vibe by implementing some simple actions.

It's effortless , and in this article, we explain how.

As always, later in the article, there will be a refreshing infographic presentation and a video summarizing its content for you.


'Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home - How To Refresh Your Interiors Without Spending A Fortune?'

Hop on!




1. The Obvious - Renovation.


Let's face it: the first thing that comes to mind when we think of home renewal is classic renovation - repairing and replacing items around the house. Either thoroughly - one that completely changes the face of our house - or something smaller. Anyway, classic renovation is usually the first association.

Luckily for you, members of our Sweet blog community, you can find all the information you need regarding the ideal renovation methods here on our blog.

Undoubtedly, there is a tremendous feeling of refreshment and renewal after completing the home renovation process. You are actually creating a relatively new home environment—and what better example of renewal is there?

As we mentioned above, this is not necessarily a messy home renovation that should transform your house from top to bottom - Even a targeted repair of several things around your house that have been neglected for a while - or renewing a specific area within your home that needs a new touch (repainting is an excellent example of this) - will also get the job done and grant your home the desired sense of renewal.


Sweet blog
A small renovation as a big generator of freshness


Embarking on a home renovation project not only enhances the physical appearance of your home but also brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation to your living space.

Or, as the Cambridge Dictionary defines 'renovation:'

'The act or process of repairing and improving something, especially a building.'

This action may grant you the feeling of renewal you are seeking. And as mentioned, despite the well-known saying related to home renovation - "Living through a home renovation is like living in the wild - you do whatever it takes to survive" - you can rest assured that, as mentioned, it can also be achieved by making a few tiny fixes - no need to go wild. The process of home renovation, when broken down into manageable steps, can be surprisingly easy and rewarding.

To sum it up, renovation is one of the easiest ways to refresh your home.

By the way, if you think you need the help of a professional, don't hesitate to seek it. Before you do, we recommend reading our article on the subject. It will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions, saving you a lot of headaches and money. Trust us, professional help can make a world of difference in your renovation journey.



2. Rearrange.


Anthea Turner once said:


"Rearranging furniture, adding some candles, or making even small tweaks can really make the difference."


Another way to grant your home a refreshing touch is through rearranging.

'What exactly do you mean?' you must be asking.

Well, although you might be tempted to think this is a relatively simple matter of moving things within your home from place to place, it's not - as most of you well know, there is a massive industry behind the concept of home organization.

In a nutshell, these theories believe that how your home is organized and the placement of objects/furniture within it significantly impact your success, health, and happiness.

Starting with Feng Shui, through Vastu Shastra, and ending with various home design methods. The guiding principle in all of them is creating a new and fresh home space that will significantly contribute to the atmosphere of renewal in your home.


Sweet blog
Move things from here to there and create a new space


As mentioned above, there is no need to go wild. Even carrying out only initial actions related to these theories can effortlessly create this atmosphere of freshness within your home.

By the way, while diving into the whole 'Feng Shui' thing, etc., check out this article from our sweet blog to learn more about creating extra free space in your home.

There is no doubt that rearranging is one of the easiest ways to refresh your home.




3. Fragrance.


The beloved Helen Keller once said:


"Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles, and all the years you have lived."


Another aspect that can help you in your efforts to grant your home a feeling of refreshment and renewal is the matter of smell - home smell.

Behavioral studies claim that smell can significantly affect your mood. And for the better.

According to brain research, smells can trigger powerful memories. Although we often use pictures to remember things that happened in the past, scents can also help us avoid forgetting. Check out this great article on the subject from Scientific American.

But even besides these pompous studies, it's quite intuitively justified.

Try to remember for a second that the fine aroma usually surrounds you when entering a hotel lobby or another prestigious building - exactly.

There is no easy way to refresh your home than this one.


Home products. Refresh your home from top to bottom
Scent has a proven ability to change your mood!


"I understand the theory, but how do you apply it within my home?" - You must be asking.


Well, first, you should check out the article from our sweet blog about improving your home's smell.

Secondly, we must point out that this is an entirely subjective matter since a pleasant smell that causes a feeling of fresh renewal may differ from person to person.

Some will get a sense of renewal and freshness from a certain fragrance, while others will find the exact smell just plain ordinary - It's pretty subjective.

Therefore, our two cents are to figure out - by doing "preliminary private smell research" (as funny as it sounds) - what smells will probably make you feel a sense of freshness and renewal and 'import/extract' them to your home.

It also goes without saying that this task is quite effortless to perform. Once you figure out what 'your refreshing scent' is, just go to the nearest relevant store to get some and place it wisely in key places within your home—a piece of cake.



4. Home Theme.


Creating a Home Theme is another easy way to refresh your home without special effort

Please note we are not talking about a home design style but rather a 'Theme,' which, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is "the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc."

There is a significant difference between Design style and home theme. Both act as a source from which a design method and language can be developed. But while a design style (as a whole) deals with principles of visibility and the relationship between design elements, a home theme is an overlay for that design style that tries to highlight a specific idea/narrative design-wise.

For example, your house's general design style may be 'Country', while the theme of a specific room may be farms, cowboys, etc.

By creating a home design theme, you are basically refreshing your home (or a particular room, as mentioned) from the bottom up.

And it is a simple task to perform, too.

If, for that matter, you have decided you are interested in a light refresher for your children's room, you can do so using a unique theme.

For example, suppose your child is into Marvel superheroes; just throw some simple superhero dolls around his room and paste relevant wallpaper on the wall. That's it!

The thing that is special about a design theme (and this is especially relevant for children's rooms) is the very assimilation of 'who you are' as a person within the physical space of the room. Something that will inevitably cause a feeling of identification and uniqueness, which will lead to freshness and renewal.


Home productsHome theme as a tool to inject your personality into your home!


Clearly, you may get dragged and find yourself investing many hours in designing a home space in the form of a particular theme - but that is not our intention in this article - we are only aiming for an utterly light occupation that does not require special effort. Therefore, take it easy. The goal here is to create a sense of freshness and renewal, not redesign the Taj Mahal

After discussing what a home theme is and how to get one, it seems the understanding of why it is a significant factor in renewal and freshness is quite intuitive - it produces new and exciting 'things' within your home's walls - and boy, this is definitely refreshing and exciting.


infographic for Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home


We hope this article - 'Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home'- has helped you understand how to refresh and renew your home by following a few simple steps.


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