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Ways to Keep Kids Active During Summer

  • person Shai Cohen
Ways to Keep Kids Active During Summer



Ways to Keep Kids Active During Summer.


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'Home Concept.'


Today, following the arrival of summer, which brings with it the summer break (from school), we would like to talk about one of the most critical questions for every parent during the summer months—how to keep your child busy and peaceful at home during the summer break. As a parent, I fully understand the challenges and frustrations that come with this time of year.

Undoubtedly, the challenge of keeping children occupied during the summer break is a common source of frustration for parents. We understand this struggle, and want you to know that you're not alone.

Why is this more relevant than ever? You must be asking:

In our modern era, Children tend to get bored quite quickly, and finding them a non-stop occupation requires a lot of effort.

There is no doubt that at some point, most of us will get frustrated or give up, and from there, things can spiral into chaos and stress - fast.

They will start fighting with their brothers and sisters, destroy things around the house (because they are bored), and become whiny and petty, which will excessively affect your tolerance and patience.

Even when children are appropriately occupied, the constant supervision required to ensure their  safety can be exhausting. Let's break this down into two parts: keeping them occupied and safe.

Even if your child is  properly occupied and you're managing to keep them safe, there are still the additional responsibilities of feeding, cleaning, and entertaining them. And guess what? That someone is - You.

By the way, although we don't want to be a harbinger of doom, there is something else - The issue of keeping them out of trouble.

You are probably well aware that in the absence of a clear framework (School), there is some concern that they will "get lost," so to speak, and get themselves into trouble

Rest assured that this will also drain your strength (what's left of it, anyway). We understand the toll it can take on you, and we're here to help.

To sum it up, there are many reasons for the summer break to be so challenging for parents (In a way that might even harm your family bonding), but for now, the ones mentioned above will do.

But fear not. In this article, we will immediately discuss the best tools available to help you stay sane during summer break. These strategies have been tried and tested by parents just like you, and we're confident they'll make a significant, positive difference in your summer break experience.


As always, later in the article, there will be a refreshing infographic presentation and a video summarizing its content for you.


'Ways To Keep Kids Active During Summer - Screen-Free Ways To Keep Children Busy This Summer.'

Shall we?




1. Be Prepared (And Aware) In Advance.



Abraham Lincoln once said:


"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."


Like anything else in life, preparation is crucial.

If this is your first time dealing with this issue (and it goes without saying if you are already experienced), do yourself a huge favor and prepare yourself.

This preparation is usually divided into two aspects: mental and technical/practical.


keep kids busyBe prepared!


Regarding mental preparation:


You better humbly accept in advance that you are heading for some quite challenging months.

Your patience will be tested. Your ability to concentrate will be tested. Your ability to perform tasks (efficiently) will be tested, and more.

As mentioned, you're about to face two challenging months (approximately). The more you gonna accept it before their arrival with understanding, the better your ability to function at a high level will be.

Several methods/strategies can expand your practical tool set regarding this issue. They will mainly include actions such as meditation, breathing, accepting reality, and more.

You can read about them in detail herehere, and here.


Apart from these practical methods (recommended, by the way, in all areas of life), Generally speaking, it can be said that the guiding principle is to come mentally prepared.

Just tell yourself, "This will be a bit challenging, and I must stay calm. And even if I occasionally lose my peace, that's okay. I'm human."


Regarding technical/practical preparation:




Right at the beginning of summer, you should fill your house with various 'means' to keep your child busy.

As mentioned above, your child's boredom is one of the most problematic factors you must deal with.

Games, drawing boards, books, textbooks, and more are just a tiny part of the 'Things' that can help you fill your child's daily routine with productive means during the homestay. We are sure that after you have become deeply acquainted with your child, you will be able to think of more examples.


Strict Schedules.


Meet your new best friend - A strict schedule.

Creating a strict schedule is one of the best ways to keep kids active during summer break.

There are many benefits of having one. You can read more about some of them right here.

In order to make them feel like they are part of the whole thing, which will increase their desire to cooperate, try to involve your child in preparing the schedule.




An Example Of Such A Schedule:


8:30 - Wake up.

9:00 - Breakfast.

10:00 -Games/TV time.

11:00 - Chores (cleaning/care of the garden, etc.).

Noon - Lunch and nap.

14:30 - Going outside (walking in the park\playground\pool\library\meeting with friends etc.).

16:00 - Reading time.

17:00 - Games and TV time.

18:30 - Dinner and getting ready for bed.

20:30 - Bedtime.


ways to keep kids active during summerA schedule is a great tool



It goes without saying this is only a suggestion and not something binding. Feel free to add some relevant personal adjustments.

You can read more here about how to ideally create a summer schedule for your kids.


2. Be Dynamic.

An ancient Chinese scholar once said:


"If you want to make God laugh - make plans."


Before we delve into the world of planning activities with kids, let's embrace a guiding principle: 'Stuff' tends to be dynamic and change. Accepting this with understanding and even a little smile would be best. This is the essence of adaptability and acceptance, two key traits that can make your parenting journey smoother.

The reason we mention the need for good adaptability/acceptance is the fact (which we assume you are already quite familiar with) that when it comes to planning activities with kids - everything that can go wrong does go wrong.

Hello Mr. Murphy...


Lighten things up a bit and learn to adapt.

Imagine you've invested time and effort in planning an activity with your kids, and eventually, reality takes a slightly different turn. Instead of feeling stressed, embrace the joy of making necessary adjustments. It's a chance to explore new possibilities and create unique memories with your little ones.

Remember, this recommendation isn't just about keeping kids active during summer. It's a powerful tool that can work wonders in increasing the sense of overall tranquility in your home. By adapting to unexpected changes, you're taking control of the situation and creating a more harmonious environment for your family.


Infographic for Ways to Keep Kids Active During Summer



We hope this article - 'Ways to keep Kids Active During Summer' - will help you to some extent to stay sane at home with your kids during the summer break. 

And if not, that's what granny is for. You can always cry and ask for her help.


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