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Home Is Where The Heart Is-Meanings & Insights

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Home Is Where The Heart Is-Meanings & Insights.


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'Home concept.'


Today, we will dive a bit into the origin of things - the magical places where concepts take shape and form into actual ideas.

Today, we're excited to share our unique perspective on the 'Home Concept.' 

We believe our insights will pique your interest and ignite your inspiration.


If you're a frequent reader of our blog, you'll know that the 'Home Concept' Is more than just a term. It's the cornerstone of our community, uniting us as 'Home enthusiasts.'

It's the conceptual pillar on which our Sweet crib community is built, and as mentioned, it is used frequently.

What is, then, the meaning of 'Home Is Where The Heart Is'?

Well, beyond the intuitive perception of the average person as to the concept's definition and nature, we believe it contains much more than it seems at first and superficial glance.

'Home' is where we feel protected and loved, and our sense of peace increases within it - 'Home,' indeed, is where the heart is.

The etymological origin of the phrase 'Home' is from the Latin word 'Hominem,' homō ('human being').

This word choice reflects the intuitive correlation between the classic physical house (four walls) and the loving human connection required in order for it to be considered as such, thus deepening our understanding of the 'Home Concept. '

In a nutshell - 'HOME' equals a Human Connection.

In our eyes, as an abstract idea, the 'Home Concept' is perfectly bound with one of human existence's most elementary yearning objects - the peace fulfilled by returning to the source.

Any source.

This article will review the examples that properly represent 'the Home Concept' on its extended nuances.

And as you will see later, they are not narrowed into a four-walled space.

So, if you've ever wondered about the profound meaning of 'HOME,' or why do we say "Home is where the heart is," rest assured - this article will provide a comprehensive exploration.


'Home Is Where The Heart Is- Meaning & Insights - Why Do We Say Home Is Where The Heart Is?'

Hop on!




1. The Obvious - Physical Space.


American poet Robert Frost once said:

"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you IN."


The first thing that probably jumps into most people's minds when the term 'Home' comes up is four walls of tangible material - a physical space - A place where people conduct their daily lives.

It's the most familiar Home format in terms of use and intuition.

It's commonly believed that people have lived in different structural house forms since the dawn of time.

The 'Olduvai Gorge' in Tanzania, the oldest archaeological record of a physical structure, dating back approximately two million years, and the 'Knap of Howar' in Scotland, a preserved stone house dating back around 6000 years, are pivotal in our understanding of early dwellings, providing crucial insights into our ancestors' living conditions.

Over the years and generations, the nature, role, and essence of the brick-and-mortar physical house have changed immeasurably, both in functional and aesthetic design aspects. 

Therefore, it's important not to let the traditional interpretation of the term 'Home' as you know it today fool you into thinking its meaning has always been the same.

The concept of 'Home' has continuously evolved, starting with the Stone Age, when man relied on nature for shelter and protection, through the Ancient Civilizations and the Middle Ages, and into the early modern period and the Contemporary Era, characterized by technology-based construction.

This continuous evolution is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of the human species.

For a more in-depth understanding of house evolution, we highly recommend you to explore the article 'Brief History of Houses Evolution,' which provides a detailed account of the various architectural and societal changes that have shaped our concept of 'Home.'  


Home products.

Home - functional physical space for living


But despite the changes mentioned above, all these 'Homes' were characterized by their unique ability to provide their inhabitants with a profound sense of peace, security, and protection, making the concept of 'Home' deeply appealing and comforting.

This universal experience of 'Home' is what connects us all, regardless of time or place.

It is probably where the aforementioned etymological connection between a physical structure and human connection/sense of safety was first created. Anyway, this is probably the most intuitive answer to the question: 'What do we mean when we say home is where the heart is?'


On to the next one on our 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' conceptual inquiry.




2. Social-Human Connection-Home Is Where The Heart Is.


The great musician Mark Hoppu once said:

"Home for me is wherever my wife and kid are."


This quote seems to clarify the message in question quite effortlessly.

Sometimes, 'Home' is not a physical structure but rather a unique Human connection:

The space within your lover's arms, your little child's laughter sound, and even the comforting look in your aging mother's eyes who loves you unconditionally.

All of the above are examples of a comforting and loving human social connection that can provide a sense of protection, excitement, and peace combined with a taste for more.

A deep sense of Homecoming - to the origin - Home is where the heart is. 

Furthermore, nowadays, countless pieces of evidence suggest that, ultimately, the quality of people's relationships dictates the quality of their lives.

Let's face it. When you're at the end of your journey, you won't yearn for a bigger house or a fancier car. Your only regret is not spending enough time with the people who matter most-the ones who make your life truly valuable.

We highly recommend Bronnie Ware's book on the subject:

'The five regrets of the dying.'

Prepare to have your perspective shifted. Bronnie Ware's 'The Five Regrets of the Dying' profoundly explores life's most important lessons.

Thank us later.


Home productsHome is where you are!


To sum it up, good relationships can make you feel at home, connecting you to the people who matter most.

So, if by chance you ever wondered why do we say "Home is where the heart is," That pretty much answers your question.


On to the next one on our 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' conceptual inquiry.



3. Stimulation/Sensation-Home Is Where The Heart Is.


Have you ever, during a trip or other similar circumstances, been surprised by a sudden whiff that instantly transported you back to your home

For me, it was the scent of a certain type of wood that instantly brought back memories of my grandfather's workshop.

The act usually includes a deep inhalation and a delighted, goofy smile spreading across your face, a moment of pure joy as you close your eyes and visualize Mom smiling.

Scientific studies have shown that smell, emotion, and memory are intertwined.

When we smell something, it triggers a response in the limbic system, the part of the brain associated with emotions and memory. This is why a particular scent can instantly transport us back to a specific moment in our past.

Whether we are aware of it or not, in our subconscious, we all carry fragrances from 'Home.'

These scents, like cherished memories, are deeply ingrained within us. They lie dormant, waiting for the perfect moment to awaken and flood us with a wave of nostalgia, a feeling of homecoming.

It's a universal experience that binds us all.


Home productssense your way back home!


The same goes for memories and a variety of sensations. 

Just as the familiar smell of a home-cooked meal can instantly bring back memories from Home, so can other familiar stimuli like the sound of a loved one's voice or the sight of a childhood toy.

Sometimes, a simple sight, sound, or change in temperature can transport you 'Back Home' in an instant, no matter how far away you are.

It's fascinating to think that certain stimuli and smells, often overlooked in our daily lives, hold the key to the profound question - 'What is the meaning of Home?'

These seemingly insignificant details can hold a wealth of memories and emotions, waiting to be discovered. 

They have the power to stir up a wave of nostalgia, reminding us of the people, places, and experiences that shaped us.


Pretty solid answer to the question:

'What is the meaning of 'home is where the heart is?'

Isn't it?


On to the next one on our 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' conceptual inquiry.



4. A Sense Of Peace.


A famous quote attributed to Siddhārtha Gautama, better known as 'Buddha:


"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."


The dictionary definition of 'peace of mind' is the 'feeling of being safe or protected.' This is a feeling we all can relate to, one that brings us comfort and tranquility.

So now, after establishing that the 'Home concept' is, by definition, both etymologically and essentially related to human connection and emotion, it's quite clear that every sense of peace has a little bit of the 'Home Ingredient' mixed within it.

Whether you find yourself in quiet solitude on the top of a Tibetan mountain or among thousands of people in the bustle of Times Square, if you are peaceful, you are Home.

This feeling of peace, of being at home, is something we all can experience, regardless of our surroundings.


Home products. Home is where the heart is
Home-it's not the location-it's the consciousness


Unlike the others, this 'Home' interpretation is quite intriguing because of its perpetual accessibility.

No external source is required to facilitate this journey. Aren't you curious?

Feeling down, sad, or lonely? You have the power to proactively - And quite easily, mind you - 'Take yourself back Home.'

Curious about how to achieve this 'Home' state?

We've got you covered. 

Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of the six best ways to proactively find peace of mind and return 'Home.'

And by the way, read this one if you've ever wondered how to instill an atmosphere of peace within your physical home on a regular basis.

Thank us later.


At the end of the beautiful movie 'Soul Surfer,' the character Bethany Hamilton says:

"They say home is where the heart is. And for most people, that consists of four walls and a welcome mat. But for me, it's the ocean".

So symbolic!

Try to think about it for a moment.

To sum it up, Home is indeed where the heart is.

Sometimes, you just need to know where your heart is.


The above were the four interpretations of the 'Home Concept - Home Is Where The Heart Is Meaning -' as we understand them.

In the comments section below, we would love to hear your exciting interpretations of the concept's essence.


Infographic for Home Is Where The Heart Is-Meanings And Insights



We hope this article - 'Home Is Where The Heart Is- Meaning & Insights - Why Do We Say Home Is Where The Heart Is?' - enriches your knowledge on the subject. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.


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