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    Shared Sibling Room Design - How To Do It Right?

    • person Shai Cohen
    Shared Sibling Room Design



    Shared Sibling Room - How To Do It Right?


    And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

    The place to be for all fans of the 'Home concept.'


    Today, following several requests, we will share some thoughts and insights concerning a shared sibling room design.


    Anyone who has ever shared a room with their brother/sister knows this is quite challenging.

    Starting with quarrels over space issues, through disputes concerning object's ownership, and ending with matters of privacy and mood swings.

    Undoubtedly, the siblings sharing a room issue can cause quite a headache for many parents out there and even increase hostility between them (siblings and parents...), leading to bad places.

    In this article, we will share all the tips and tricks that will help you (and them) go through this challenge in the most enjoyable way.

    By the way, the information presented in this article will also help you if you are looking to improve your knowledge concerning indirectly related issues.

    Such as:

    'Opposite gender siblings who share a room.'

    'Siblings with age differences that share a room.'

    'Does sharing a room bring siblings closer together?'

    And more.


    The following article is just the tip of the iceberg concerning this significant issue. Try to challenge yourself and thus expand your knowledge on the subject in broader contexts. Our sweet blog is a great place to start.


    As always, later in the article, there will be a refreshing infographic presentation and a video summarizing its content for you.


    'Shared sibling room - How to do it right?'

    Stay tuned!




    1. Make Things Clear!


    American poet Margaret Elizabeth Sangster once said:


    "In the whole round of human affairs, little is as fatal to peace as misunderstanding."


    The number one tip concerning shared sibling rooms is the prevention of misunderstandings (innocent or intentional).

    Since most quarrels start over ownership disputes ("This is my dresser,"/"This is my game,"/You are invading my part of the shared bed!!"\Your clothes are scattered all over, and I have no room for myself." And more. A lot more, mixed with yelling and whining...); the solution will only come through a strict clarification of 'things.'

    The more misunderstandings concerning these issues, the more tension will increase accordingly. Do as much as you can to avoid these quarrels by rigidly clarifying anything that could be interpreted vaguely, Thus leading to unfortunate misunderstandings.


    'How?' you must be asking.

    By what we call: 'The premises method.'

    This method basically says you will have to define areas/premises so there is no room for misunderstandings.

    Premises A will be associated with Tenant A and Premises B will be associated with Tenant B.

    Furthermore, a shared area will also be defined, or as we call it - Premises C.

    The same goes for objects (for example - Toys) - there will be those associated with tenant A and those associated with tenant B, and some shared (a first-come, first-served model which is limited in time of use).


    shared sibling room designThat's mine, and that's yours!


    A great help in this regard will be various types of indoor room dividers, which will help you implement these separation principles design-wise - Things such as Folding Partition Privacy Screens, Indoor Canopy, Fabric Room Panel, and more. Here you can find some more of them.



    2. Space.


    Space is one of the essential aspects concerning any shared sibling room design, and it does not matter if we are talking about Opposite gender siblings who share a room or even siblings with age differences who share a room. It is crucial in any scenario.

    Evidence suggests that an organized space can provide a great deal of peace of mind.

    And given that peace and quiet are definitely positive elements in any shared sibling room - anything that will help you achieve more is more than welcomed. Therefore, creating, design-wise, more space is one of the most significant tasks within your shared sibling room. 

    It's also quite intuitively obvious - When your child has his own private space within his room, it's quite likely that his sense of peace will increase accordingly, ultimately leading to more calmness within the shared room.

    Just remember to properly combine this space issue with the clarifications mentioned in the paragraph above - once you have created a space - make it clear to whom it belongs and when.

    You can also read the article from our sweet blog concerning The four tips that will help you create more free space in your home.

    A great tool that can help you with that is storage solutions - they are critical. Use them wisely to create as much free space as possible within the room in question. It's doubly relevant due to children's tendency to throw and scatter things around their room. 


    Free space - create as much as possible!Free space - create as much as possible!


    Here, you can find 19 creative storage Ideas to solve your small-space problems. You can also use the famous design method known as "minimalism," which will further help you with this issue.

    Remember! When discussing the shared sibling room design issue, you must consider 'space' aspects significantly and in advance. 




    3. Involve Them In The Process.


    An ancient Chinese scholar once said, 'a good conversation can solve a thousand crises'.

    If you're scratching your head wondering right now, it's because you're right - no Chinese scholar has ever said such a quote - we just made it up. But the guiding principle is still valid - Your child's involvement with his room design process can significantly contribute to the procedure's success.

    Before starting your design process, ask them how they would like things to look and 'feel' at the end of it. Many pieces of evidence show that engaging children in decision-making is crucial for the success of any collaborative process.



    Shared sibling room
    Engage them in the process!


    Besides the immediate benefit that will come due to their participation in the design process (mainly in aspects of coordinating expectations - you cannot be disappointed by something that you see is coming), a good talk will help you with one of the most exciting principles in the shared sibling room design process - personality assimilation, design-wise.

    The rationale underlying this principle is that your home should reflect who you are as a person, and it's highly recommended to inject some "You" into your home walls, design-wise. Here's a great article by Martha Stewart about the practicalities of embedding personality in your home design.


    Ans one final tip in this regard - Once you have decided to accept our recommendations and hear them out, do yourself a favor and try to listen properly! Don't let them express themselves just to quiet your conscience (and their need to express themselves...). Once they are involved in the process - they are all in!

    Children must know their opinions are heard and respected. That doesn't mean you must agree to their every whim (you don't...) - just listen respectfully.



    4. Reading/Learning Space.


    One of the most critical aspects of any shared sibling room is the space dedicated to learning/reading.

    A learning/reading area within your child's room should not be underestimated - it's a thing of utmost importance for his educational development. 


    Shared sibling room
    Learning space is critical!


    And for those of you who fear unnecessary expenses- Don't sweat. There's no need to go fancy! A simple table and a cute chair in a designated and noticeable area will get the job done - The guiding principle is relatively straightforward - You must ensure that design-wise, it is obvious - 'Kids, here you learn/read!'

    Here, you can find everything you need to establish such a space. And here, regarding how to wisely deal with contractors in general and home renovation stress in particular.



    infographic for Shared Sibling Room Design


    We hope this article - 'Shared sibling room - How to do it right?' - will help you with your family design challenge. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.

    As mentioned above, it does not matter if we are talking about Opposite gender siblings who share a room or even siblings with age differences who share a room. The principles presented in this article are relevant in all reasonable contexts. Apply them wisely, and your children will benefit from the whole thing in a big way.

    Take our word for it.


    And if nothing else works, boarding school is always a reasonable option.

    Just kidding...



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