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    Ways to create a learning environment at home

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    Ways to Create a Learning Environment at Home.


    And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

    The place to be for all fans of the 'Home Concept.'


    Today, we would like to discuss one of the most important spaces in every home that, unfortunately, tends to get pushed aside and not get the credit it deserves - The learning environment.

    Studies clearly show that your physical environment can significantly influence cognitive abilities.

    In the simplest sense, the 'Home learning environment' concept is a physical space intended to be used for learning (usually for the youngest members of your family). Mainly physical activity such as writing, sketching, doing homework, etc. But in a more profound sense, It would be unjustified to reduce it to this narrow idea alone.

    The concept of the learning environment we are discussing aims to be much broader.

    Besides The obvious - Space within your house intended for carrying out practical learning operations - It should also serve as the 'Home of abstract ideas.' - A place that just by sitting there will sharpen your mind,

    The place you go to get some peace and develop new ideas - Your escape zone for dreams and creative imaginations - A home paradise for thinking and contemplation - Peter Pan's Neverland of Ideas and inspiration.

    You've got the point.


    This article will help you create the learning environment in question, Both in the "cold" technical aspects and the aspects of inspiration and imagination as well.

    As always, later in the article, there will be a refreshing infographic presentation and a video summarizing its content for you.


    'Ways to create a learning environment at home.'

    Stay tuned.




    1. Zero Distractions.


    Winston Churchill once said:


    "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks."


    This quote is an excellent explanation for any distraction whatsoever.

    Webster defines distraction as "an object that directs one's attention away from something else."

    The first thing in creating a good home learning environment is minimizing distractions within the physical space in question.

    Ensure your learning environment allows you to concentrate as much as possible on learning without any stimulation that will tempt you to do otherwise.

    'How do I do it?' You must be asking.

    First and foremost, you must eliminate any trace of technology (which is not directly used for the learning process) from your study environment. Mainly smartphones. And if you still insist there are certain 'things' you must not disconnect from entirely, then ensure to attach that specific application to your computer's taskbar - Not on your (distracting) phone.

    An excellent example is WhatsApp Web, which allows you to work on your computer and occasionally glance at important WhatsApp messages directly from your computer, thus not touching your smartphone (for all its temptations) without a real reason.

    According to Numerous Studies, The more dependent people are on their phones, the stronger the distraction effect.

    By the way, the technology example is only one of a rather large variety. And the reason we focused on it is that it is familiar to most of us and is a fairly well-known phenomenon. But in fact, everyone has their own distraction factors that are more relevant to them.

    Since it is impossible to discuss each of them separately, we will only note that the guiding principle is quite clear - All the things known to you as distracting factors should be found outside the home learning space you are trying to create for yourself/child.


    create a learning environment at home
    Keep your focus with minimal distractions


    Another great tip that can help you is insisting on using the old-school style and using only paper and pen.

    Trust us, if you do your learning like in the old days, Using only "real" pages, without any screens, etc., your journey towards a spectrum free of distractions will be much smoother.

    Many studies show this old-school learning style has many advantages over technological learning.


    In conclusion, a physical distraction-free spectrum is the number one tip for creating a home study environment. 



    2. Quality Physical Space.


    According to all planning logic, this paragraph should be at the beginning of the article since the designated physical space for your learning environment is the basis of everything.

    With that being said, due to the enormous importance of distracting technology in our era, we prefer to start with it, even though we have yet to write a single word about the actual physical environment - The dedicated learning room.

    Now let's talk a bit about the basis of any learning environment - The room in which the learning takes place and the tools that will help you make it ideal for effective learning.

    You must create a physical space with four walls, whose purpose is to allow you to sit quietly and study. Sounds very simple, right?

    Not exactly.

    First, it is essential to understand why having a specific/defined room dedicated exclusively to learning is so important.

    It is customary to divide the reasons into External and internal.

    The internal reasons come mainly due to the well-known insight from the world of personal development that 'Your Worst Enemy Is Yourself.'

    According to this insight, One must recognize that his own weaknesses are the ones that limit him and prevent him from fulfilling his hidden potential. Therefore, he should approach those weaknesses directly and deal with them without fear and with full awareness.

    In our context, once you've figured out that the lack of a designated room for learning causes you many distractions preventing you from studying ideally (and later, we will detail why), you must overcome yourself and establish such a room.

    And now, for the 'internal reasons,' - how will a dedicated physical room for a study environment help deal with them?

    First and foremost, and most intuitively - The issue of distractions was expanded in detail above - A dedicated physical room, which will create a study environment free from distractions - Will help prevent them.

    The second reason is assistance in getting into the mode/vibe of learning that a defined learning room can provide you. 

    If you follow our instructions below, you will get familiar with tools that will help you turn a random room into a learning supporter, thus turning your learning process much smoother. 

    The third internal reason, or as we call it - "Since I'm already here, I might as well" - is related to psychological aspects of the things that motivate us.

    It may sound familiar following things you have heard (or said to yourself) from the field of fitness:

    "I'm already here at the gym. I paid for it, and it took me an hour to find parking, so I might as well train."

    The same goes for the subject of our articles - "I'm already here, the distractions have been left outside, and this whole space is fixed specifically for learning. Therefore, Since I'm already here, I might as well learn."


    create a learning environment at home
    Learning room - make one


    And now for 'external' reasons.

    The external reasons deal more with factors that are not directly related to you but rather to your family environment, etc. However, they still significantly affect you and your performance.

    The first is related to disturbances that may come following other people's actions - friends and family, especially those who live with you in the same house and have direct access to you. They can become a source of disturbance for your learning process.

    The four walls that serve as your physical learning environment will make them think twice before disturbing you.

    The second reason is related to a similar but slightly different need:

    Your isolated learning environment should help you achieve the required quiet for learning. You may lack this quiet due to noise from many external sources that are not human but rather Environmental, etc.


    Now that we have understood the importance of the "learning room," it is time to learn how to make one.

    First and foremost, you must understand that the four-wall concept is not a recommendation - There is no other way. Brick and mortar are required.

    So please, don't make the common mistake of thinking that putting a chair and a table in an empty house corner/space (say a particular hallway) - would count as if you have created a legitimate learning room - Because you haven't.

    The room must be - a room! - Closed one. Since that's the only way you can enjoy the many "benefits" such as physical isolation, he can provide you with. Mainly in separating yourself from distractions and creating a 'concentration vibe,' Which will inevitably help you learn better.

    A warehouse/Closed parking, etc., are also appropriate options if your house lacks such an interior space.


    Now, regarding the accessories and design of the space in question. Well, you should stick to the old rule - keep it simple!

    In this excellent article, you can read more about how decorating your room improves your study. Please do yourself a favor and read it thoroughly.

    Although it is commonly thought that a learning atmosphere must be severe and strict, Don't be afraid to put some "fun and light" learning accessories if they help you study more effectively. After all, we are all human in the end. 





    In conclusion, the creation of a unique physical space is one of your most effective ways to create a learning environment at home.



    3. It's All About Timing.


    There is a famous quote attributed to Coco Chanel:


    "There is a time for work and a time for love. That leaves no other time."


    You must know that using your time effectively is one of the essential elements in creating a good learning environment within your home.

    And 'how is proper time management relevant to your home learning environment,' you must be asking?


    Well, for your learning room to ideally fulfill its purpose, you must set strict times for its use.

    Whether you like it or not. The human ability to concentrate is limited in time. It even has a fancy scientific name - "Attention Span." you can read more about it here.

    Therefore, after establishing a physical learning environment, you must assign a specific time in your schedule for its use, since your concentration time is naturally limited. Thus, the time designated for learning will be as high quality "and sacred" as possible.

    No matter what - this time will only be used for learning. That way, the learning room will ideally maintain its effectiveness.


    Home productsBe strict with your learning time!



    By the way, Here are some essential tips for the "learning time" you should be familiar with:

    As mentioned, your concentration is limited by nature. Ensure to arrive at the learning time as calmly and alertly as possible.

    Tip number two - Trust us. Despite your utmost importance, the world will manage without you for about an hour. So, if you were planning to call someone back or take care of this or that arrangement - don't bother yourself with it while studying. It will be waiting for you exactly where you put it.

    Tip number three - although you must keep all your house's rooms clean and tidy during all hours of the day. During learning, this is extremely important. Studies show that Children with clean rooms get better grades. Try to implement it.

    You would find it to be one of the best ways to create a learning environment at home.



    4. Reward.


    You are probably very familiar with the carrot-and-stick approach.

    It is a metaphor for using a combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behavior.

    Our article's subject - Ways to create a learning environment at home - Is relevant mainly to parents interested in such an environment for their kids.

    Therefore, although the carrot and stick approach, which parents mainly apply with their children, is known for its multiple advantages, recently, Opinions have been increasing regarding the need to limit this method. The argument is that when disciplining children, Offer a Carrot, Not a Stick.

    Try to implement a reward system that shows your child that any 'good' learning time within the learning environment you have created for him will earn him a 'fun time.'

    One hour of learning in the learning room = One hour of fun.

    It will encourage and motivate him to continue this positive pattern.


    Home productsReward your child for all the time he spent learning


    Studiesconsistently show the importance of a reward approach in creating motivation for positive development in children.


    5. Keep It Simple. 


    An ancient Chinese scholar once said:

    "Keep it simple, dumbass!".


    Okay, okay.. we may have just made this quote up, and no Chinese scholar has ever said such a thing. However, the guiding principle is still valid - You must avoid creating an atmosphere of over-dramatization within your home regarding the learning environment.

    Be easygoing about it. 

    The more natural your kids feel within the learning environment, The easier it will be for them to use it and, thus - more productive.


    infographic for Ways to create a learning environment at home



    We hope that this article - 'Ways to Create a Learning Environment at Home' - has helped you to some extent in your efforts to establish a good home learning environment. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.



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